标签 ‘PHPass’ 下的日志

phpass_crack: Simple tool for cracking WordPress hashes

# Trace: 新版本的WordPress和phpbb已经弃用md5,采用phpass加密了(还有其他一些开源WEB程序)。原来DarkC0de上发布了一个phpass.py,是配合字典破解的,这个Phpass_Crack也是。PasswordsPro官方下载的最新版本也已经支持phpass的破解,有字典攻击和暴力破解等方式可选(选择md5(phpbb3) Modul)。

I have written a simple tool for cracking Portable PHP password hashes, which WordPress uses to hash user passwords. You pipe passwords to it and pass it a passwd file and it tries to crack the hashes.
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