2008年5月 的日志
PHP security analysis
来源:Tr4c3’s blog
There are many tools out in market for security analysis of PHP codes.
Some of them are mentioned below:
1. PHP Security Scanner:
Desc: PHP Security Scanner is a tool written in PHP intended to search
PHP code for vulnarabilities. MySQL DB stores patterns to search for
as well as the results from the search. The tool can scan any
directory on the file system.
License: GPL
More Information: http://securityscanner.lostfiles.de/
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php源码审计工具–PHP Source Auditor 4 released
All packed up & ready for your enjoyment: PHP Source Auditor 4! So, if you have (most likely) never heard of it, this is the deal:
PSA4 is a Perl script that connects to your local webhost and scans all files (recursively) in the www root, for vulnerabilities. It scans for:
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PHP Underground Security
来源:Tr4c3’s blog
———————————[ PLAYHACK.net ]———————————
-[ INFOS ]———————————————————————–
Title: “PHP Undergroud Security”
Author: Omnipresent
E-Mail: [email protected] – [email protected]
Website: http://omni.playhack.net – http://www.playhack.net
Date: 2007-04-12
-[ SUMMARY ]———————————————————————
0x00: Let’s start..
0x01: Global Variables, look it carefully
[*] Patching
0x02: File Inclusion
[*] Patching
0x03: XSS
0x04: SQL Injection
\_ 0x04a: Login Bypass
\_ 0x04b: 1 Query? No.. 2 one!
[*] Patching
0x05: File Traverse
[*] Patching
0x05: Conclusion
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Pentest – Tools
来源:Tr4c3’s blog
Packet Shaper:
Nemesis: a command line packet shaper
Packit: The Packet Toolkit – A network packet shaper.
Hping by Antirez: a command line TCP/IP packet shaper
Sing: stands for ‘Send ICMP Nasty Garbage’; sends fully customizeable ICMP packets
Scapy: a new python-based packet generator
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Aviv Raff的IE0day,公布了
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