2008年12月 的日志
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Author: jianxin [80sec]
EMail: jianxin#80sec.com
Site: http://www.80sec.com
Date: 2008-12-24
From: http://www.80sec.com/release/session-hijacking.txt
[ 目录 ]
0×00 应用程序认证设计背景
0×01 常规攻击思路及缺陷
0×02 利用应用程序设计缺陷进行Session劫持的攻击原理
0×03 Session劫持的大致思路及意义
0×04 如何防御这种攻击
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Author: rayh4c [80sec]
EMail: rayh4c#80sec.com
Site: http://www.80sec.com
Date: 2008-12-22
From: http://www.80sec.com/release/Phishing.txt
[ 目录 ]
0×00 网络钓鱼形势分析
0×01 网络钓鱼原理分析
0×02 URL编码结合钓鱼技术
0×03 Web漏洞结合钓鱼技术
0×04 伪造Email地址结合钓鱼技术
0×05 浏览器漏洞结合钓鱼技术
0×06 如何防范网络钓鱼攻击
0×07 内容关键字匹配URL检测钓鱼攻击
0×08 后记
0×09 参考
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Oracle Pwnage Part 6 from DBA to SYS
In some of the past posts I covered finding a user default user account or account with an easy to guess username/password for Oracle and taking that user to DBA via SQL Injection in Oracle packages.
I’ve been neglecting the blog a bit porting some of the public SQLI for Oracle into metasploit auxiliary modules. Not sure when its going to be put into the trunk but it will be at some point, I think MC is working on the mixin to reduce the dependence on the Oracle instantclient.
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