标签 ‘绿坝’ 下的日志

Green Dam 3.17 (URL) Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (xp/sp2)

# 鬼仔:驴爸,exp,milw0rm上的。

Green Dam remote buffer overflow exploit

“Green Dam” is a software used for monitoring and anti-pornography, popularizing by Chinese goverment. After July 1st, it will be forced to install on all new Chinese PCs.
Now it already has 50 million copies in China.
In order to monitor the URL that user is exploring, Green Dam injected the browser process. When Green Dam is trying to handle a long URL, a stack overflow will occur in the browser process.
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# 鬼仔:这几天绿坝是大热门,好多的负面信息和批评,就不贴出来了,只贴一个安全相关的。



密歇根大学研究人员今日发布了一份绿坝的分析报告,报告中指出了一些绿坝的安全隐患,包括一个可以被远程利用的栈溢出漏洞。这三名研究人员分别是密歇根大学计算机系的Scott Wolchok, Randy Yao和J. Alex Halderman。漏洞演示地址:http://wolchok.org:8000/。请注意,安装了绿坝的用户,访问上述网址,浏览器将会崩溃(无其它危害)。当然如果精心设置网页,可以直接控制用户电脑。

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