# update(2009.11.5):str0ke又满状态复活了,这个。
I’m not dead yet, just being trolled.
milw0rm 的站长 str0ke 去世了,因为心脏病,一路走好。。。
Many of us have wondered where str0ke has been and why milw0rm has not been updated in a good while. I recently was informed that str0ke has been hospitalized due to a strange condition with his heart, which he has had since he was a child.
I’ve just received information that str0ke @ milw0rm has passed away due to cardiac arrest early this morning at 9:23 AM. We @ blacksecurity are deeply saddened by the loss of a good hearted friend.
We wish nothing but blessing to his wife and 4 children.
RIP str0ke 1974-04-29 – 2009-11-03 09:23
Tags: milw0rm,
update(2009-7-9 22:46):milw0rm 现在又开了,不知道为什么,欺骗感情啊,原来的公告没了,投递也又开放了,没有任何说明,在 str0ke 的 twitter 上有这么一条(43分钟前发的):
milw0rm’s back up & posting will start once again, I can’t let all of the emails in my submit box to just sit there.43 minutes ago from web

上午看到 milw0rm.com 首页的 banner 位置这样写着:
Well, this is my goodbye header for milw0rm. I wish I had the time I did in the past to post exploits, I just don’t :(. For the past 3 months I have actually done a pretty crappy job of getting peoples work out fast enough to be proud of, 0 to 72 hours (taking off weekends) isn’t fair to the authors on this site. I appreciate and thank everyone for their support in the past.
Be safe, /str0ke
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Tags: milw0rm
Tags: milw0rm,