标签 ‘IIS6’ 下的日志

Microsoft IIS 6.0 WebDAV Remote Authentication Bypass Exploit (patch)

# Blog with a detailed description:
# http://www.skullsecurity.org/blog/?p=285
# And the patch itself:
# http://www.skullsecurity.org/blogdata/cadaver-0.23.2-h4x.patch
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Microsoft IIS 6.0 WebDAV Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability

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Microsoft Internet Infomation Server 6.0 ISAPI Filename Analytic Vulnerability


function Copyright()

var Author=”80sec”;
var Email=”kEvin#80sec.com”.replace(”#”,”@”)
var Site=”http://www.80sec.com”;
var Date=new Date(2009,4,24).toLocaleString();
var Reference=”http://www.80sec.com/Microsoft-Internet-Infomation-Server-6-ISAPI-filename-analytic-Vulnerabilitie.html”;
return Reference;



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