标签 ‘Vulnerability’ 下的日志

Web Application Vulnerability Scanners

# 鬼仔:在包子那里看到的。


Web Application Vulnerability Scanners are tools designed to automatically scan web applications for potential vulnerabilities. These tools differ from general vulnerability assessment tools in that they do not perform a broad range of checks on a myriad of software and hardware. Instead, they perform other checks, such as potential field manipulation and cookie poisoning, which allows a more focused assessment of web applications by exposing vulnerabilities of which standard VA tools are unaware.
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Sun One WebServer 6.1 JSP Source Viewing vulnerability

作者:Kingcope Kingcope <kcope2_(at)_googlemail.com>

Sun One WebServer 6.1 JSP Source Viewing vulnerability

System: Sun-ONE-Web-Server/6.1, Windows Server 2003

SunOne WebServer (formerly Netscape Enterprise Server, iPlanet) on Windows Systems lets remote people disclose
JSP Source code.
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Multiple Exploiting IE8/IE7 XSS Vulnerability

Author: www.80vul.com [Email:5up3rh3i#gmail.com]
Release Date: 2009/06/22
References: http://www.80vul.com/ie8/Multiple%20Exploiting%20IE8IE7%20XSS%20Vulnerability.txt


Tags[not include <IFRAME>] in ie7/8 are don’t allowe to run “javascript:[jscodz]”,but
we found them allowed ro run where open it in new target.

like this url:
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QQmail Multiple Xss Vulnerabilities

作者: www.80vul.com

1. firefox2 css xss vulnerabilities



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl">

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Microsoft IIS 6.0 WebDAV Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability

# #####
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##################### #########
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ECShop 2.5.0 (order_sn) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability

# 鬼仔:有同学在评论中提醒,这个是很老的了,去年十月国内就有人发过了,看了下,的确是,地址在这里。虽然是老的,但是以前没发过,所以也就不删了,留在这里存档吧。

######################### Securitylab.ir ########################
# Application Info:
# Name: ECSHOP
# Version: 2.5.0
# Website: http://www.ecshop.com
# Discoverd By: Securitylab.ir
# Website: http://securitylab.ir
# Contacts: admin[at]securitylab.ir & info@securitylab[dot]ir
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Microsoft Internet Infomation Server 6.0 ISAPI Filename Analytic Vulnerability


function Copyright()

var Author=”80sec”;
var Email=”kEvin#80sec.com”.replace(”#”,”@”)
var Site=”http://www.80sec.com”;
var Date=new Date(2009,4,24).toLocaleString();
var Reference=”http://www.80sec.com/Microsoft-Internet-Infomation-Server-6-ISAPI-filename-analytic-Vulnerabilitie.html”;
return Reference;



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PPLive < = 1.9.21 (/LoadModule) URI Handlers Argument Injection Vuln

PPLive <= 1.9.21 uri handlers “/LoadModule” remote argument injection
by Nine:Situations:Group::strawdog
software site:http://www.pplive.com/en/index.html
our site: http://retrogod.altervista.org/

software description:
“PPLive is a peer-to-peer streaming video network created in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China. It is part of a new generation of P2P applications, that combine P2P and Internet TV, called P2PTV.”
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